For everyone Claiming medical expenses for workplace injury

We recently assisted a teacher’s aide who suffered a shoulder and knee injury following a trip in a classroom. Our client initially came to Redlich’s Work Injury Lawyers to lodge her WorkCover claim, but needed further assistance as her entitlements were terminated when she returned to work full time.

While back at work, she continued to receive some medical treatment, but it was conservative and mainly consisted of medication that she often paid for directly rather than claiming from the insurer. As a result, her medical and like expenses were subsequently terminated on the basis that they were no longer required.

Our client’s condition had been deteriorating for some time, and when she sought further treatment including possible surgery, the insurer refused to reopen the claim. Our team issued court proceedings, and were successful in obtaining a reinstatement of her medical expenses on the day of the hearing.

If you require assistance relating to an injury sustained at work, contact your union for advice and potentially a referral to our lawyers.

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