Schools Stopping before they start: why pre-service teachers need help to stay the course 7 Dec 2022 Preservice teacher OSCAR JOLLY warns that the cost of training means our education system is losing teachers before they even graduate.
For everyone Why I am in the union 15 Dec 2021 While the job seemed challenging, having the support of colleagues made it a more satisfying experience. To truly participate in my profession, then, I needed to be a part of our union.
Schools Can you see me? 13 Dec 2021 In her first year as a graduate teacher, Amanda de Clifford reflects on the challenge of building relationships with students she had only just met before learning moved online.
For everyone Decolonising your classroom: five ways forward 14 Sep 2021 ALERYK FRICKER offers his five top tips for undoing colonial structures in the classroom, fostering the engagement of First Nations students, and giving all children a chance to learn from the world’s oldest continuing cultures.
Early Childhood Valuing two years of kinder: Reflections on the rollout of three-year-old preschool 6 Sep 2021 Having been involved in the early rollout of three-year-old kindergarten, one member has some sound advice.
For everyone The playgrounds are closed: the plight of children in Afghanistan 2 Sep 2021 In the midst of the pandemic, primary teacher NICOLE JENVEY is finding ways to guide her students’ responses to world events, including the plight of Afghani civilians.
Schools Recruiting pre-service teachers 5 Jul 2021 Pre-service teacher KATE BUNTING wants to see her fellow students and future colleagues get a fair go in the workplace, irrespective of their identities and life circumstances.
For everyone How should we be teaching in the age of COVID-19? 6 Apr 2021 Renowned educator Paulo Freire would have questioned how we are schooling our kids in the age of COVID-19, write ANTONIA DARDER and JAMES D KIRYLO.
Schools Boosting belonging at school lasts a lifetime 31 Mar 2020 How strongly a student believes they belong at their school can shape not only their academic performance, but also their future wellbeing.
Early Childhood Three-year-old kinder rollout in South Gippsland 10 Oct 2019 Families, educators and services alike are enthusiastically embracing the rollout of three-year-old kinder in the South Gippsland shire.
Schools Networking to tackle teacher workload 9 Aug 2019 Getting involved in AEU networks is our best chance of a strong, unified stance on graduate workloads.