Early Childhood Sending a message to Morrison

Early childhood professionals are calling on the federal Morrison government to honour the Universal Access Partnership Agreement (UNPA) and provide ongoing funding for four-year-old preschool. The Morrison government is currently holding an inquiry into Universal Access. We are deeply concerned that the federal government is seeking to cut or withdraw its funding. At our recent Early Childhood National Committee, the federal branch of the AEU convened a meeting of over 20 stakeholders from across the early childhood sector who agreed to develop a collective response to deliver to Prime Minister Scott Morrison as budget bids are being prepared. 

What can you do to help?

All AEU members will be receiving a letter in the mail that includes five Preschool Funding Now! postcards. Please ask your families and colleagues to sign these postcards and return them to the AEU in the reply-paid envelope by the end of term. 

We would love to see every postcard returned so we can make the greatest impact. 

The postcards will be delivered to the Prime Minister early in 2020 in order to demonstrate that families, communities and the profession want the federal government to remain committed to supporting early childhood education. 

Members in the early childhood sector are powerful and passionate campaigners, and I am eager and excited for us to again prove our capacity to engage families and communities, and to send a loud and clear message to the Morrison government that we will always stand up, be heard and keep advocating for young children, families and our profession. 

You can find more information and resources, including the Preschool Funding Now! postcard on our website or facebook.com/PreschoolFundingNow/

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