Early Childhood VECA and VEEA approved and delivered

On 20 January, the AEU was pleased to see the Victorian Early Childhood Agreement (VECA) and the Victorian Early Education Agreement (VEEA) approved by the Fair Work Commission (FWC). The new agreements came into effect one week later, on 27 January.

If you are employed under the VECA, you will receive backpay dated to 1 October 2020, or the first pay period thereafter. Make sure you understand your new pay and entitlements, so that you can ensure that they are being implemented correctly. 

We have a series of webinars available online for AEU members employed under the VECTEA or EEEA. These offer a clear and concise guide to the new pay and conditions (mirrored in the VECA and VEEA) to help members understand their entitlements and ensure a smooth transition process. Find them at aeuvic.asn.au/training-events/training-videos.

If you have any issues or concerns, please contact the MSC for support on 1800 238 842.

What’s next for EC agreements?

The Moonee Valley City Council agreement has been lodged with the FWC and is awaiting approval. We will be in contact once these agreements have been approved and organise implementation meetings to walk members through their new enterprise bargaining agreements. 

The Hume City Council agreement is about to go to a vote. We’ll report on that result as soon as it’s in.

The Next Sense and Noah’s Ark agreements have both been lodged with the FWC, awaiting approval. 

We expect to reach an in-principle agreement with Gateways shortly.

Bargaining for Gowrie Victoria has commenced. Please look out for further communications regarding member meetings and negotiation updates. 

In 2022, we are expected to commence bargaining for South Gippsland Shire Council and Glen Eira City Council. 

If you become aware that your employer is preparing to commence bargaining, please make sure to notify us by contacting EC organiser Max Grarock at [email protected]. The AEU can then ensure that we are at the bargaining table. We use the VECTEA and EEEA pay and conditions as the benchmark log of claims across all early childhood service providers.

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