Schools What’s a log of claims and how can you be involved?

  • This article was published more than 5 years ago.
  • 29 Oct 2019

Prior to the start of negotiations for the next enterprise agreement, the AEU presents a ‘log of claims’ to DET. This is our position – decided through consultation with members throughout Victoria – on any changes we want to see in the new agreement. 

As the current agreement expires in 2021, the AEU’s Joint Primary and Secondary Sector Council have decided on the process for developing the log for next year. This representative council includes elected teacher, principal and ES members from schools across the state. The council also holds the responsibility of finalising the proposals to be included in the log prior to it being submitted to DET.

The log process will be similar to the process in 2016. This process will occur during Terms 1 and 2 next year and will commence with individual sub-branches debating and putting forward ideas for change in Term 1. Sub-branch proposals in each region will then be collated and put before the regional meeting for discussion and debate in Term 2. All supported proposals then go to the first Joint Primary and Secondary Council in Term 3 for further debate and finalisation of the log of claims. 

This process ensures all members have an opportunity to contribute, either directly through your sub-branch or by representing your school at the AEU’s regional meetings. Members can take part in the debate, hear the views of other members and sub-branches, and understand the reasoning behind the claims that are being put forward.

This all happens before we decide what goes forward as an agreed position, and it’s a critical part of the process. For example, in 2016 there were multiple proposals on class sizes. The regions, and subsequently the council, had to make a decision about which position they would endorse to go forward in the log of claims.

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